Printable Contracts

   Website Linking Agreement

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Website Linking Agreement

_____________________________ (hereafter "Website 1") and ________________________ (hereafter "Website 2") hereby agree that Website 1 will allow Website 2 an temporary and revocable license to link to Website 1's website under the following terms and conditions:

Website 2 will only be permitted to a {hypertext link, image link, framed link, all of the above, etc.}. In the case of a hypertext link, the hypertext must be {quoted sample} or text preapproved by Website 1.

Website 2 may only link to {homepage, index, etc.}. Website 2 is forbidden from linking to {examples of deep links, etc.}.

Website 2 is granted a nonexclusive right to display Website 1 trademark logos and copyright symbols. This does not constitute an acquisition of a source trademark.

Website 1 may require Website 2 to remove any and all website links at any time, and may do so through {correspondence type(s)}. In such an event, Website 2 is obligated to remove all links no later than {number of days} from the request date.

In witness to their agreement to the terms of this contract, the parties affix their signatures below:

Website 1, Signature & date

Website 2, signature & date

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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