Printable Contracts

   Waiver For Mechanical Bull

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Mechanical Bull Waiver

By riding the mechanical bull at {Bar, Theme Park, or other Business}, I hereby accept any risks involved in participation, accept all liability, and will hold harmless this business for any damages to my property or injuries to my person. This release of liability includes, but is not limited to, damages or injuries incurred due to negligence, carelessness, or equipment failure.

I agree to abide by the precautions and safety instructions put into place by {Business}. I understand that riding involves a rotating, bucking motion that has risks that cannot by fully avoided due to the nature of the activity. These risks include, but are not limited to:

I agree to mitigate the risk of damages or injury by following the safety rules as follows:

By signing below, I agree to waive liability for damages or injuries. Specifically, I will be liable for any and all medical costs, attorney fees, and other costs. I also assert that I am in sound physical condition for bull-riding, and am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs that could impair my ability to participate safely.

I, _____________, fully understand and agree to the above terms.


Signature & date

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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