Printable Contracts

   Sibling Behavior Contract


Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

We, {Name} and {Name}, agree to the following rules concerning our behavior towards each other:

That we will use respectful language when problem-solving and avoid name-calling, insults and dirty words.

That we will try to work out our differences calmly and respectfully before involving our parents.

That we will not get into physical fights that involve hitting, pushing, kicking, biting, pulling or scratching.

That we will take turns and share our toys.

That we will respect each other's privacy, personal property and space.

That we will talk out our differences. If were cannot resolve our problem we will ask for the help of a trusted adult.

If I violate these rules, I understand that the following punishments will apply:

  1. {Punishment}
  2. {Punishment}
  3. {Punishment}

If we follow these rules for {length of time}, the following rewards will apply:

  1. {Reward}
  2. {Reward}
  3. {Reward}

Kid 1's Signature


Kid 2's Signature


Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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