Printable Contracts

   Property Release


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Property Owner:________________________________________


Phone No._________________________


Shoot Date:_______________________


Description of Property:_______________________________________________________

I, the Property Owner, verify that I am at least 18 years old and the legal owner of the aforementioned property. By signing this release, I allow the Photographer or Company listed above to take pictures, video, and audio recordings of the aforementioned property only on the specified shoot date and time. I allow the Photographer and any successors, assigns, and personnel to copy, alter, distribute, sell, and trade these images, videos, and recordings in any language, format, and distribution channel. I allow the images, recordings, and video to be used for commercials, projects, films, advertisement, and any other collaboration that the Photographer or Company sees fit, and I waive the right to view and approve the images. I verify that I have been compensated in the amount of {amount} and that I will receive neither royalties nor payment hereafter for the use of these images. I understand that this agreement extends to my heirs, assigns, and any future successors to the property.

(Owner's Signature)

(Photographer's Signature)


Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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