Printable Contracts

   Open Listing Realty Contract


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Open Listing Realty Contract

This contract serves as a legal and binding agreement between {Owner's Name}, hereafter known as "Owner," and {Broker's Name}, hereafter known as "Broker." This contract refers only to the property being sold at {address} after {date}.


{Property Description here}


Exclusive: The right to list, advertise, show and sell the property is restricted to the Broker.

Non-Exclusive: The Owner has the right to list, advertise, show and sell the property to interested

parties on {his/her} own time with {his/her} own resources. The Owner may also employ other brokers to sell the property. If the property is sold by someone other than the Broker, the Broker shall receive no commission for the sale.


The Broker shall receive a commission of {amount}%, provided that {he/she} is able to sell the property for at least ${amount}. The commission shall be paid in full after closing. If the property is sold within {number} months after the termination of the contract, to a buyer provided by the Broker, the Broker shall receive the full amount in commission.


Any deposit forfeited by a potential purchaser shall be divided equally between the Owner and the Broker, provided that the purchaser was produced by the Broker.

(Owner's Signature)


(Broker's Signature)


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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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