Printable Contracts

   Monogamy Agreement

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Monogamy Agreement

____________________________ (hereafter "Partner 1") and ______________________ (hereafter "Partner 2") hereby agree to the following:

Both parties recognize that monogamy looks different to different people and that preferences, desires and needs can change over time. Having committed to each other for {life/duration of the relationship}, the parties hereby seek to define loving guidelines for navigating their relationship over time. This agreement will not include rules but rather intentions and agreements meant to foster communication and respect.

Both parties agree to remain faithful and devoted to one another. Both parties understand that to mean prioritizing their relationship over others, being honest about feelings of uncertainty or lack of desire, being forthcoming about emotional attachments to others, and being clear and communicative about priorities and commitment.

Both parties agree that "remaining faithful" does not require constant check-ins when apart, minimizing friendships (of the same or opposite sex), doing everything together, or never being alone.

Both parties agree not to {have sexual contact, kiss, hold hands, flirt, sext} with others.

Both parties agree not to lie to, deceive, or cheat on one other (either physically or emotionally).

In order to maintain privacy and trust, both parties agree not to discuss {aspects} of their relationship with others, including family or close friends.

This relationship will be based on trust. Both parties agree to be upfront about concerns of infidelity or general suspicions and to ask and answer questions clearly about the subjects. Both parties will be respectful of each other's privacy and not seek out personal information on the other's phone or computer, behave possessively, or make unfounded accusations.

While feelings of jealousy and insecurity are natural, and both parties agree to be respectful and understanding of the other's feelings, both parties understand that it is incumbent for the person feeling jealousy and insecurity to address it themselves and not expect the other person to solve it or accommodate it.

Both parties agree to seek counseling if maintaining trust, healthy communication, honesty or affection become difficult for either party.

Both parties understand that feelings of love and desire fluctuate and change throughout a relationship. Both parties are open to continuous and kind communication and are flexible about accommodating each other's needs.

Both parties understand that if they can no longer meet each other's needs and separation becomes necessary, it does not mean the relationship was a failure, merely that it stopped being the right path to move forward on together.

In witness to their agreement to the terms of this contract, the parties affix their signatures below:

(Partner 1 signature and date)

(Partner 2 signature and date)

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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