Printable Contracts

   Hiring Policy


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Hiring Policy

Job Description

The hiring manager, HR representative and direct supervisor of the position will create a job description outlining the requisite qualifications, experience, education and responsibilities.


The position will initially be offered within the company. The aforementioned job description will be posted within the building at {location}, {location} and {location}. It will also be posted to the company's website at {link}. Employees who have been at their position at least {amount of time} will be eligible for consideration.

If the position cannot be filled internally, {Company} will post the job description outside of the company.


Applications and resumes will be run through an application tracking system to filter out the less qualified applicants.

{Contact Name(s)} in {department} will select the top applicants from the final contestants for the interview process.


{Name(s)} in {department} will conduct the interviews using questions compiled and agreed upon by the hiring manager, supervisor and HR representative.

The interviewer will forward the results of the interview to the other members of the hiring team. If no consensus can be reached then {Name/Position} will have the final say.

Background Checks

Before any offer is made to an applicant, he or she must pass a background and criminal history check. Once accepting an offer, he or she must pass a drug test after no more than {number} days.


{Name} will notify the applicant of the offer. Once the applicant accepts the offer, {Name} will provide the applicant with the necessary training and orientation materials.

For more information, please contact:

{Name, Title, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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