Printable Contracts

   Head Lice Removal Service Agreement

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Head Lice: Consent for Treatment

_______________________ (hereafter “Party 1”) hereby authorizes the professional head lice removal and treatment of _______________________ (hereafter “Client 1”). {Add additional Clients as needed, such as in the case of family with multiple affected children.}

The {treatment type or procedure} protocol involves {protocol}. Head lice treatment is not an exact science. Any treatment involves some risks and hazards, and Party 1 is responsible for considering alternatives and weighing the benefits for their family. By signing below, Party 1 agrees to hereby release _______________________ (hereafter “Business”) and its employees from any claims, damages, or liability related to the treatment. Moreover, by signing, Party 1 also acknowledges that Client(s) do not have any diseases, conditions, or other issues that would make treatment inappropriate. These include, but are not limited to, {inability to communicate pain, younger than XX years, sores on the scalp, recent radiation treatment, etc.}


If all members of a household have been treated and cleared by Business, and head lice are observed within 14 days, we will continue to treat at no additional charge.

In witness to their agreement to the terms of this contract, the parties affix their signatures below:


Party 1 signature & date


Business representative signature & date

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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