Printable Contracts

   Chore Division Agreement

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Chore Division Agreement

{Names}, living at {address} and desirous of a presentable living space, hereby agree to the following division of labor regarding shared chores around the house:

{Name} will be responsible for the following chores in the following rooms:

{Name} will be responsible for the following chores in the following rooms:

{Name} will be responsible for the following chores in the following rooms:

{Name} will be responsible for the following chores in the following rooms:

Should any household members wish to trade responsibilities with another member, both parties must agree to the trade.

The following chores are considered personal responsibilities for every member of the household and will not be considered part of this contract: {dishes, laundry, bed-making, etc.}.

Chores must be completed no later than {amount of time} after their intended completion time. If a member misses more than {number} chores in {amount of time}, the following penalties will apply: {penalties}. No penalties will apply in the event of emergency, illness, or injury.

Completed chores must be checked off on {document/app}. If all chores are completed by all household members for {amount of time}, the following rewards will be granted: {rewards}.









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Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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