Printable Contracts

   Agreement To Cosign

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Agreement to Cosign

This agreement is made on {date} between {Landlord Name}, hereafter "Landlord," and {Cosigner Name}, hereafter "Cosigner":

The Cosigner hereby agrees to share liability of the lease at {Address} with the Tenant, {Tenant Name}. This lease will go into effect on {date} and remain in effect until {date}, barring an extension, lease renewal, or termination.

Should the Tenant fail to cover his or her costs of rent, deposits, damages, cleaning, or repair, the Cosigner will be held legally responsible for meeting those obligations.

The Landlord {will/will not} notify the Cosigner in the event that the Tenant is delinquent or late on required payments.

The Landlord {will/will not} use the Tenant's security deposit before demanding remuneration from the Cosigner.

Should the Tenant terminate the lease early, the Cosigner {will/will not} be released from this contract. Should the Tenant extend or renew the lease, the Cosigner will continue to be held liable, unless the Landlord releases him/her.

Should the Tenant choose to sublet the property, the Cosigner will continue to be held liable throughout the duration of the lease, unless the Landlord releases him/her.

Landlord _________________________ Date __________

Cosigner _________________________ Date __________

Tenant     _________________________ Date __________

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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