Printable Contracts

   AP Honors Contract


Create your own printable contract — FREE!

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Students (and their guardians/parents,) understand that signing this contract is required to enroll in any advanced placement and honors classes for the {Year} - {Year} school year. Students understand that enrollment in A.P. classes requires the following:

- Independent and self-directed learning, reading, and writing

- Higher standards and an increased workload

- A higher degree of responsibility and self-discipline

- An additional {number} hours of homework (on average) compared to regular college preparatory classes

By enrolling in A.P. classes, students agree to commit to the full year of the enrolled classes. Students may transfer to college preparatory classes only if {exception 1} or {exception 2}. Students who drop the A.P. classes after {amount of time} will receive an "Incomplete" on their transcripts.

Students who are enrolled in an A.P. class are expected to take the advanced placement test at the end of {month}. There is a {$} fee for the test; funding assistance is available.

Please indicate the A.P. classes for which you would like to enroll. {School Name} advises that no student participate in more than {#} classes per year.

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

- {A.P. Class}

_____________________ ______

(Student's Signature) (Date)

______________________ ______

(Parent 1's Signature) (Date)

_____________________ ______

(Parent 2' Signature) (Date)

Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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