Printable Contracts

   Yearbook Contract


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By signing this contract, {Student Name} agrees to abide by the Teacher's rules and restrictions involved in taking this class. {Parent Name} understands these requirements and agrees to assist the Student in meeting them.

The Student agrees to accept and complete all assignments to this best of {his/her} ability and on the deadline assigned. Grades will be determined based on the quality of the assignment and the Student's ability to submit {his/her} work on time.

The Student will be privy to sensitive or confidential information about other students, events or staff. The Student agrees to keep this information confidential.

The Student understands that {his/her} grade will be determined through participation {%}, photo work {%}, interviews {%}, writing assignments {%}, and editing {%}. Tardiness, missed deadlines and unexcused absences will detract from the final grade.

Expensive equipment will be used for various assignments. If the Student is responsible for breaking any of this equipment, {he/she} will be responsible for replacing it for {$-$}.

The Student will be allowed to leave class for interviews on occasion. The Student understands that this time will be used solely for the assignment and for no other purpose.

The Student may be required to cover extracurricular activities outside of school such as sports events, pep rallies, club meetings and school dances. If the Student cannot attend these assignments, {he/she} will discuss the conflict with the Teacher at least {#} days in advance.

The Student will sell at least {#} business ads over the course of the year.

The Student will attend all staff meetings.

The Student will keep the shared workspace clean and tidy.


Student Signature Date


Teacher Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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