Printable Contracts

   Waiver For Axe Throwing

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Axe-Throwing Waiver of Liability

I, __________________, assert my desire to participate in axe-throwing at {facility}. I understand that axe-throwing involves sharp, dangerous objects in motion and that I am engaging in this activity at my own risk.

I acknowledge that the risks include, but are not limited to: property damage, serious and permanent injuries, dismemberment, and even death. I am responsible for my own safety and further recognize that injuries can occur from negligent behavior by myself or others, and that equipment can malfunction as well.

I further assert that I promise to follow the safety precautions as outlined by {facility} staff.

I agree to hold {facility} harmless in the event of property loss or personal injury, and by signing this document I assert that I will not seek claims or damages against {facility}, nor participate in any class action suits.

In the event of injury, I understand that I will be solely responsible for the cost of treatment. Moreover, I authorize {facility} staff to render emergency first aid. I further assert that I am at least 18 years of age and have no health conditions that would be exacerbated by the practice of axe-throwing.

By signing below, on behalf of myself and my estate and heirs, I indemnify {facility}, as well as their equipment suppliers and manufacturers, from and any all liabilities, expenses, and damages.


Signature & date

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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