Printable Contracts

   Social Media Sabbatical Agreement

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Social Media Sabbatical Agreement

I, {Name}, hereby acknowledge that social media has ceased to have a net positive contribution to my life, and I am voluntarily commencing a sabbatical from it.

The agreement begins on {date} and will end on {date}. During that time, I will refrain from {logging in, checking direct messages, etc.} for the following platforms:

{social media platform}

{social media platform}

{social media platform}

{social media platform}

In the interest of {career, extended family responsibilities, pending event, etc.} these are the only exceptions to this sabbatical:

{exception #1}

{exception #2}

To assist me in meeting my commitment, I will {change passwords, use a browser blocker, uninstall apps, etc.}. I will also ensure that people used to reaching me via these methods are informed of my sabbatical (when appropriate) and directed to alternative communication methods such as {email, text, etc.}.

If I slip up, {consequences}. If I succeed, defined as {definition}, I will {reward}.


Signature & date


Witness signature & date

Create your own printable contract — FREE!

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Index of Printable Contract Examples

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