Printable Contracts

   Couple Conflict Resolution Agreement


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____________________________________________and ____________________________________ hereby agree to the following:

We agree that even when disagreeing or fighting that we are partners who love each other and will therefore treat each other with respect and kindness.

We agree not to threaten, intimidate, attack, insult or harm each other physically, psychologically or emotionally.

We will maintain civil tones and reasonable volume when having a disagreement or a loaded conversation. We will avoid raised voices, offensive or insulting language, yelling, aggression, or hitting, kicking or throwing objects.

We will focus on the present topic and try to keep from dredging up previous fights, insults or hurt feelings.

We will use "I" statements when addressing how the other person makes us feel.

We will not get into difficult conversations just before bed, just before work, during work hours, in public or around family members.

If one of us needs to leave the situation and cool off we will not use it as leverage or a threat. We will phrase the departure as a need to calm down and we will provide a reasonable time that we can be expected to return.

We agree to ask for help when we need it, voice our concerns when they arise and keep lines of communication open.

If we are unable to resolve our conflicts alone, we will seek help from a therapist, counselor, minister or other support source.


Signature Date


Signature Date

Create your own printable contract — FREE!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Printable Contract Examples

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